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Things you should know when buying in Spain

NIE (numero de identidad de extranjero) A regisration number for temporary citizenship. This is also essential – it is impossible to purchase a property or car without it.  Always use an Estate Agent who has an office, one that is registered. You will then always have a place to go to if you have a problem. No Estate Agent wants an unhappy client in the office telling the...


Bringing your pets to Spain Information about how to import animals and pets into Spain. Includes: certifications, verterinarians' certificates, regulations, pet passports. Also note the regulations for owning a dangerous animal. Some advice, if you’ve never taken your pet on a plane before: o If your pet is small enough, you can bring it on the plane via a crate that...

Schools & Car info.

Schools in Spain Schools in Spain are free from age 4 on. Enrollment for September generally begins around March. If it’s too late and the school you want your child to get into is full, the authorities are always required to find an opening at a public school for your child. There are three types of schools, public, private, and mixed ("concertada"), meaning the schools...

Pensions & Health Ins.

Pensions in Spain The best advice we can give with pensions in Spain is that you seek professional independent financial advice regarding both UK and Spanish tax law and how it affects your personal circumstances, prior to relocating when considering drawing a pension in Spain. Medical/Health Insurance The E111 form is no longer valid. You will need a European Health Insurance...

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